Thursday, December 27, 2012

Festival days = EATING

Hi everybody, how are you doing?
I'm sure you had some lovely holiday celebrations with your families and a bunch of good food. Me for example, I had some traditional German food like "Knödel" and "Spätzle".

Today I was in the city cause I died my hair again (picture to follow) - finally dark enough yay. :)
After the hairdresser I met my mum to do a little shopping after having a healthy lunch. The guy at the restaurant gave me the idea to this post, cause he asked us if we want any sweets as dessert with our Chai Latte but we refused because of all the huge Christmas eating and christmas cookies we had the last days. His reply was "Well, you have to enjoy this. And anyway, spring is far away." The first thing that came to my mind was: "Not for me, I always have to be in shape."
Also many people ask me if it's hard to keep the weight and they ask for some advice how to do so. 

That's why I thought, I'd give you some tips how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If not now, then when?

As many of you know, I LOVE baking and I also like cooking. So for me it is impossible to abstain from something that I like and just yesterday I read an article that you shouldn't abstain completely from the food you love, e.g. bread or chocolate because eventually you would eat more of other things e.g. cheese, so you would end up with the same amount of total calories.
That's the good news. ;) If you want to lose some "Christmas kilos" you don't have to abstain from the food you love. The trick is to eat the correct amount.
I suggest to eat at least 3 amounts (1 = 1 hand full) of veggies and 2 amounts of fruits a day. If you are really disciplined you can try a trick in cooking. Why don't you twist the amount of the main dish with the sides? Try to consider the veggies as the main dish and the meat/fish/etc. as the sides. Also it is very important to drink enough! I drink around 2 litres each day and for me it's easy because I drink a lot of tea. Try to avoid sugary drinks though (you can save a lot of calories here).
Furthermore you shouldn't forget to get enough protein, e.g. from yoghurt, eggs or fish.
And it's true that you eat more during a day when you haven't had breakfast. Usually I tend to eat the most in the evening of a day, which is WRONG (I admit it). It's better to eat most in the morning/midday to maintain your energy for the day and then just eat a salat or soup in the evening, so your body can digest everything during the night.

Of course your diet will not work, if you are lazy and don't do sports. I know the weather is shitty at the moment, but why don't you go to the gym?
Trust me, you will feel better after and you can allow yourself to eat another christmas cookie after. ;)

I hope I could help you a little bit if you want to live a healthy lifestyle. However, as you know, I am NOT on a diet. To me, this is a lifestyle. I love to live healthy but of course I eat some sweets too because I love baking and if you are a steady follower of my blog you know that I'm rather struggling to keep my weight instead of losing it. So please don't take this post wrong. 

I just wanted to share my way of a healthy, veggie living haha.


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