Monday, January 21, 2013


Hello everyone, 
I hope you're alright?! I apologize that I've made you wait a whole week for some news but again there was a lot going on for me here in Paris.
Of course I got sick AGAIN!! I really couldn't believe it but I'm glad it was just a cold and I'm getting a lot better so I hope it will be over the next few days. 

I guess it's no wonder if you look at the weather at the moment. Heaps of snow everywhere, minus degrees --> not cozy at all!!

out of my window at home
  snow chaos at Moulin Rouge

That I was sick again was not the only trouble I had though. There were some issues in my private life that I rather don't want to discuss about anymore. I am just trying to keep my head up and go on (as you all know me).

So I'm glad that I have a lot of work to do the next days as I will do a showroom for 8 days again. I will not be allowed to show you any pictures but I'll keep you posted if anything interesting occurs haha.

Furthermore, everyone is getting prepared for the Fall/Winter Fashion Week season starting in NYC on the 7th of February, so right now my agencies are discussing if I should start from there or only do Europe but we'll see and of course you guys will be the first to know. ;)

I wish you a nice day/evening! :) Enjoy it (like me)

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